One of the most common types of door repairs we find in Sydney is Wunderlich doors. As a result, we conduct a number of Wunderlich sliding door repairs in Sydney.
The Wunderlich doors are one of the oldest style doors that have been around for decades.
Click play on the video below to watch us get a Wunderlich sliding door rolling like new again. Carla is able to open and close her Wunderlich sliding door with her pinkie (even with arthritis) after 4 years of having difficulties with her door.
Unfortunately, they are no longer manufactured and made here in Australia or in Sydney, so what we find is that there’s a lot of door repairs that are needed with this style of door.
As far as aluminium sliding doors are concerned, this is one of the major brands.
These doors are everywhere in Sydney. They’re one of the more older style doors that you’ll find.
How do you know if your door is a Wunderlich Sliding door?
To find out if you have a Wunderlich sliding door you need to look at the internal side of your door. You should see the word Wunderlich written there.
Now, along with ClearView, Comalco and Airlite doors, the Wunderlich and Trend, for example, these are the most common door repairs we find over and over again.
When the door manufacturers were out here, and people were installing new houses, these were the major brand in Sydney.
Wunderlich sliding doors will break down over time
As a result of when they were installed, it is inevitable that over time the components will have disintegrated.
The tracks and rollers have become brittle, damaged, broken and cracked, and so need to be repaired or replaced.
We fix all Wunderlich doors with new tracks and rollers
What we find with these type of door repairs is they do need new tracks and new rollers.
Over the years with the weight of the door, the rollers just can’t handle it.
It’s like any mechanical part. If it’s something in your car, there’s just normal wear and tear over time.
Same with the Wunderlich sliding door, it’s been opened and closed for decades at a time.
People kicking the door, balls are bouncing into the door, and as a result, they do need to be repaired.
We’ve got the Wunderlich sliding door repairs process down to a fine art
We’ve been repairing these for 25 years in the Sydney area. We’re able to handle your door repair needs as well.
Give the Adsafe Doors team a call today and we’ll run through our process, give you a quote and a suitable time to fix your Wunderlich sliding door.